What makes a website so important for a business? First and foremost, it’s the representation of who you are and what you offer. Your online character shouldn’t be underestimated, as 70% of US customers search online before even contacting a business. In today’s ultracompetitive economy, businesses without a website operate at their peril. You may be thinking, “I have a website, but how can it improve my business?” Today’s customers are savvy; they know when they see an obsolete website that appears passé to more vigorous sites. If a website represents who you are, then a superior design can improve your overall perception, which can improve your sales. Like the Internet, your business should be dynamic and always evolving.
Factors to Consider in Web Design
Let’s think about the important ingredients in creating a successful website. We all know the amount of browsers people use today continues to grow. You also know, whether it be Safari, Chrome, Explorer, Firefox, or any other, your website should be designed for cross-browser compatibility. That sounds complex, but it simply means your website works regardless of which browser is used.
A great website will be mobile ready. Like browsers, there are ample devices that can connect to the Internet, and a mobile ready site will be viewable for customers using a desktop or a laptop, iPad tablets, or any smart phone, from Apple iPhone to Samsung. Whatever the device, a smartly designed website will be navigable and uncomplicated to read.
Having a fantastic website design means little, however, if people can’t find it. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, may be the most decisive element of a successful website. This means your site will be designed to make it easily found when searched. By having well-written code, proper page titles, and quality internal link structure, you ensure your website maximizes its visibility.
Avoid the Pitfalls: Wed Design Company Experience Matters Goshen MA
A quality experience with a business’s website is crucial to its success. Potter Media, which has been developing websites since 1997, and has assisted hundreds of companies in going online, understand the connection between experience and success. The proliferation and hiring of those who claim to be web designers, but lack any true experience, has been a detriment to many businesses. We have been in step with the evolution of the Internet, and we use that wisdom in the marketing of your business to increase your sales every year.
Potter Media eagerly awaits the opportunity to discuss web development opportunities for all companies in Goshen. Call us today at 978-808-3428 to discuss your web development needs!